Click on the Work Bees Tab on the top Menu and choose the spring or fall Work Bee


1.Choose your task from the drop down menu. 

2.Task will highlight in blue once picked.

3. Choose the number of volunteers from the drop down menu

4. Choose what time you would like to be there. 

5. If you would like to add more than one service then click the Add the Service to the Cart button

6.  If you have completed your choice you can click directly on the Book Now button to continue 



1. and 2. Your order Summary shows you the tasks you have chosen 

3. You can click the continue shopping button to add or delete more services.

4. To complete your service booking fill out the complete order section and click the confirm Appointment




1. and 2. Your order Summary shows you the tasks you have chosen 

3. You can cancel either or all of the reservations you have made by clicking on the cancel button. 


  An email will also go to the email address you entered to confirm your service.
The email also includes a link to take you to your order at any time should you need to edit or change the order.  


 Continue to Spring Work Bee 

Continue to Fall Work Bee